1200 West Main Street, Suite 3, Cotter, Arkansas 72626 In the Shape Fitness Mini Mall on Highway 62
870-435-4976 By Appointment Only Monday through Friday Evening Hours Can Be Arranged
Get help with your problems here through hypnosis. We offer help with smoking cessation, habit control, problems sleeping, excessive worry, unreasonable fears, weight loss, and other under desired behaviors. I am certified by the National Guild of Hypnotists, the largest and oldest certifying organization in the United States. We are the ONLY hypnosis center in Cotter, Arkansas, and while I hold a medical degree from Oklahoma State University College of Osteopathic Medicine and that helps me determine who is best suited for help, I do not offer any form of medical advise, treatment, intervention or therapy. If I think any of these is needed, you will be referred back to your primary care physician for further advise. The cost is reasonable, especially if you consider the benefit of quitting smoking, weight loss, and other habit reformation.
What is Hypnosis?
Hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness that is akin to the state of mind a person has during meditation. While it appears that the person is sleeping, in actuality, the two states of consciousness having nothing in common. Have you ever daydreamed? Lost track of where you were the traveling? These are examples of natural hypnosis. People go in and out of these natural states every day.
Is Hypnosis Safe?
Hypnosis is a very pleasant experience. It is a time to let go of the other thoughts of the day and focus on the issues you came to work on. Scientists, medical professionals and psychologists have been using hypnosis for over 200 yeas and no one has ever been hurt by simply going into hypnosis.
Can I Be Hypnotized?
The quick answer is YES. Almost everyone can be hypnotized with a few exceptions: those who are mentally challenged are NOT good candidates, and those who have pre-existing psychiatric problems are not good candidates. So, in short, unless you fall into one of these categories, YOU CAN BE HYPNOTIZED.
Is Hypnosis Mind Control
The hypnotist is NOT capable of causing a client to do anything outside of his or her ethical or moral beliefs. If the hypnotist makes this kind of suggestion, the client simply comes out of hypnosis or does NOT follow the suggestion.
Can I Get Stuck In Hypnosis
It is NOT possible to get stuck in hypnosis. If the hypnotist stops speaking, the client either gets bored and comes out or simply falls asleep. YOU CANNOT GET STUCK IN HYPNOSIS.
What Is a Hypnosis Session Like?
You begin your hypnosis session in a quiet setting. The hypnotist conducts an interview to determine your objectives and to answer any questions you have about the procedure. The hypnotist then suggests the bet course of action to help you achieve your goal. The session lasts 30 to 60 minutes, depending upon the agreed course of action. After the session, you may experience a sense of deep relaxation and overall well-being. YOU WILL NOT NEED A DRIVER TO TAKE YOU HOME.
Is Hypnosis Useful for Children?
Certainly. Children have issues that they may need to address to help the grow emotionally and physically. Hypnosis can help children break bad habits such as bed wetting and nail biting. It can also help children overcome shyness, develop better study habits and improve their sports performance. You will want to work with me to determine the best method of addressing these issues with your child.